Tag Archives: writing

Proud to be an (aspiring!) Catholic writer!

 “When people have told me that because I am a Catholic, I cannot be an artist, I have had to reply, ruefully, that because I am a Catholic, I cannot afford to be less than an artist.” -Flannery O’Connor

I just finished reading the short story “Greenleaf” by Flannery O’Connor for an English assignment.

My initial reaction? “eewwwww, what a grotesque, unpleasant story….”

I wasn’t looking forward to the essay I was supposed to write on the symbolism contained within the story. What symbolism could there be? All I could see in the story were some unsympathetic characters who never got along with each other, a main character determined to get a stray bull off her property, and a weird, somewhat disturbing, ending with the bull goring her.

So I did a little research, and was surprised upon discovering the beautiful symbolism and touching lesssons that the story was bursting with. The first thing I read when I googled it was that the bull represented Christ!

Whoah!! Wait a minute!! What???

Turns out, that “Greenleaf” is really a story of redemption and grace. An obstinate woman who absolutely refuses to have a bull enter her property, is also closed up and reluctant to let Jesus into her heart. In the end, the bull charges toward her, piercing her heart with one horn, the other curving around her side, so that they are united so closely that Mrs. May can no longer control the force that is far more powerful than she. The bull’s strength surpasses her own, just as God’s power surpasses that of anyone else’s, and she is conquered in the end,  thus coming to a realization of her own insignificance.

To get the full impact of the story, read it for yourself. Read it, then re-read it slowly and thoughtfully. Be open to the rich symbolism and indirect allusions to something more to this life than what meets the surface. By reading Greenleaf you are bound to have an enriching, thought-provoking experience.

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Filed under Catholic, Writing

NaNoWriMo: Naming Your Characters

Every time I start writing a story, I always get inspired by ideas for characters rather than plot. The reason for my story is to bring these endearing (at least to me) characters to life, and I rarely have much of an idea of where the plot is going to go. So right now, for my story, I have some great characters, but they need names. I always have the most trouble naming the main heroine. She is 15-17 years old, shy and quiet, dreamy, and loves to read and write stories. Since I’m writing a fantasy, she needs to have a name that is romantic and fits in in a fairy tale world. But it also needs to sound normal, everyday-ish, since she comes from our world. I’m having a hard time finding a name that is modern, but not too much so; not overly popular; and romantic at the same time. Any ideas? They’d be much appreciated!!

How about you? Do you find it easy to come up with the perfect names? Or do you have to first fully develop your character before you can match him with a name? Do you use real names or make up your own?


Filed under Writing

NaNoWriMo, here I come!

I didn’t think I’d end up doing it. I don’t have the time. I don’t have a plot. All I have is a couple of characters who aren’t even developed yet.

But I’ve made up my mind to plunge into NaNoWriMo for the first time!! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting to do it ever since I first heard about National Novel Writing Month last November.

I don’t know if anything will become of the story I’m starting but I sure hope I’ll stay motivated enough to finish it!

Wish me luck! 🙂


Filed under Writing

Summer Goals

  With the First Day of Summer being today,  I figured I’d make a list of everything I want to do this vacation. Of   course I won’t end up doing half of them, but no harm in hoping, right?

 Read!!! I’ll be putting together a list of all the books I want to read and I’ll post it soon!

  WRITE A NOVEL!!! I HAVE to do it this summer! I’ve been trying to write a book for four years now and I always either get bored of my story idea or become too busy. But this year, I WILL do it! (I hope). . . .

Try my hand at writing some poetry. Not sure how that will turn out though. And don’t depend on it being published here! No way! LOL

Learn to sew (I know, I should be ashamed of myself- I am ashamed- but I only know how to darn socks. I can’t even sew on buttons)

Do more cooking and baking and try some new recipes.                                                                                                         

Learn about flowers, maybe do some gardening, and study constellations.

Perform a play, probably Shakespeare, nothing big or grand, just memorize a few parts and dress up.

Aquaint myself with the Elvish language.

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Filed under Blogging, books, Writing